Day trading the infamous, ” April Fools Rally “

Here we are three days into the “April Fools” rally and the joke may be on us.
The rally appears to be losing steam after bitcoin delivered two frontal assaults first at 4200 and then at the $5000 resistance levels.

The past year was a disastrous trading experience for me. My first thought is that I suck at day trading. Then I convince myself that it’s a bit more challenging to day trade in a bear market. Either way, perhaps the volatility is all that is required to flip coins.

So then, you have Day trading and then you have taking profits and or just HODL till your great grand kids reap your reward.

I decided to take profits as of 9:08 a.m. 04/04/19 I put a stop loss of $85.00 on my LTC. Now then comes the question when taking profits do you try to call the top or stop loss your desired return?

In conclusion, I suggest taking profits but stay away from day trading, you are no match for the market makers that love humiliating the average day trader. 🙁